Welcome to the Department of Art

We are a diverse and vibrant community of artists, designers, 专注于在视觉艺术方面取得卓越成就的学者和教育家. 我们的使命是营造一个包容和鼓舞人心的学习环境,让我们社区的每个成员都能实现他们最大的创造性愿景. 本科课程提供了跨越工作室和设计实践的13个专业领域的学习, scholarly research and art education. 平行领域的研究生学习是该系不可分割的一部分,课程通过助教和教学机会得到扩大. 
十大靠谱网赌平台的学生从专注和有成就的教师那里直接学习,他们都是各自领域的专家. At the foundational level, 向学生介绍历史和当代对话, 并通过展览获得课堂外的专业实践经验, visiting artists, scholars and professionals, internships and community engaged projects. With the guidance of faculty, students are empowered with the knowledge, 他们在完成学位后开始他们的创造性职业所需的技能和信心, or to pursue graduate studies.
艺术系因其卓越的表现而得到认可,并获得了全国艺术与设计学院协会的认可. 我们位于南加州的地理位置也为我们提供了与世界一流艺术和设计机构的独特合作伙伴关系. 这是一个特别激动人心的时刻来到十大靠谱网赌平台! 我们目前正在进行视觉艺术现代化项目, when it is completed, 我们系是否会有一个全新的设施来加强我们的课程,并为学生提供动态的学习机会. 

Michelle Murillo
Chair, Department of Art

Yound girl feeds a cat that is standing on top of a table. IMAGE: Laudenbach/ Malta

CSUF Student Animations to
Be Shown at 2023
"Animation is Film" Festival

Student film "Chicken for LindaOpens in new window !" and more to be featured. Enter "CSUF" at checkout for discount tickets!


Smartphone screens with examples of newly designed app. IMAGE: CSUF

Prof. 王晨,学生创新健康应用设计奖 

The interdisciplinary effort resulted in a comprehensive, user-centric app to improve health outcomes.


Head shot of a man with dark hair IMAGE: Hector Islas/la Times

Exhibition Design Alum Named Executive Director of L.A.'s
Craft Contemporary 

Rody López ’19 (M.F.A. 展览设计)接替长期担任博物馆馆长的苏珊娜·伊斯肯(Suzanne Isken).


手持智能手机与增强现实大象显示. IMAGE: csuf

Students Bring Artwork to Life with Artificial Intelligence


Nature in the Age of AIOpens in new window

Visual Arts Department Statement Affirming Black Lives

我们,视觉艺术系的教职员工,肯定黑人的生命. The long history of state-sanctioned murder, violence, discrimination, 以及在美国和其他地方对黑人的压迫被忽视太久了. We are appalled by, and condemn the recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and too many other Black people by police and vigilantes. We mourn for them and for our broken society. 

我们承认在联邦和州机构中存在结构性种族主义, including, but not limited to establishments dedicated to education, such as our own. 作为艺术史学家和艺术家,我们理解图像的力量和重要性. 因此,我们认识到,迫切需要采取更多行动,消除充斥我们社会和课堂的反黑人形象和黑人声音代表性不足的现象. Furthermore, 我们知道艺术史是沉浸在以欧洲为中心的视角中, and we vehemently reject the notion of European, or Western superiority over other cultures. Likewise, 我们拒绝殖民意识形态和暴力,正是这些导致了博物馆机构的建立, 谁的画廊里摆满了从殖民地掠夺来的财物.

Now is the time for change. As a community of artists and scholars, 这是一个将反种族主义纳入我们的工作和教学的好时机.

The Visual Arts Department is committed to:

  • 照亮我们的教室,照亮我们在种族不平等问题上的工作, injustice, and violence.
  • Assessing our curriculum to address disciplinary silences, erasures, and institutional racism, and to foreground inclusion equity, and social justice
  • 使教员多样化,从种族代表性不足的群体中招聘同事.
  • Collaborating with, 并支持黑人学生和教职员工同事在校园内进行系统性改变,以建立和维持科罗拉多州立大学富勒顿分校的亲黑人空间.
  • 继续支持黑人智力创新研究所的反种族主义活动和倡议, African American Studies, and other departments who specialize in African American, and cross-coalitional knowledge production.
  • Collaborating with, 并支持黑人智力创新研究所, whose mission is to “...建立和制度化对黑人的支持和包容, culture, creative arts, and intellectual history at California State University, Fullerton and throughout Orange County.” 
  • 支持我们的教师为学生创造治愈的空间, 正在经历种族创伤和痛苦的教职员工.
  • 鼓励艺术专业学生加入非裔美国人研究的选修课.
  • 支持我校和科罗拉多州立大学的民族研究学位毕业要求.
  • 在我们的校园里大声疾呼白人至上主义和种族主义, at all levels of the university.
  • 鼓励致力于社会正义和反种族主义教育, praxis, and politics as a department.
  • 让那些宣扬“多样性和包容性”,但往往不能以具体方式支持有色人种学生或教师的大学教师和领导人承担责任. 

视觉艺术系不会允许白人至上的文化. Black lives matter. 

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Last Published 10/16/23

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